Issue 2/96 - CD Rom

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 - out of print, but available of CD Rom with English Tranlation Supplement

Cover Page: Simon & Halbig - Reproductionen by Karin Buttigieg Worksheets & Projects -S&H 1388 -Flirtyaugen for S&H 1388 -Patrizia by Helga Matejka -Heubach 14-5689 -Nanette - Underwear -Small Molds Making Seminar -Schmitt & Fils - Outfit Technical Information -The dot on the "i" for your doll shoes - shoe stamps -Hats, Hats, Hats... - Hat for Schmitt & Fils The Antique Doll -Different dolls and accessories Pattern -for Nanette (Underwear) -for Schmitt & Fils (Hat) and Outfit (Supplement) Other: -A Wonderful Convention in England -IDG-Championship 1995 - The Prize Winners
