Kit for GCP# 2 - Pattern, Dress, Bonnet, Socks, Slip, Purse Frame (about 1800-1805)

    Delivery time:3-4 Wochen/weeks
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Kit for either the embroidered dress or the dress with braid for a 43 to 46 cm tall French fashion doll, either on a leather body or a papermaché body. the style of the garments is such that it is easy to adjust the pattern for a "normal" doll body of this size. You will probably have to make minor adjustments to the sleeves and the skirt length. (adding or detracting from the waist, not the hemline).

Kit for Dress with Braid:

Pattern, 1 meter Swiss Mousseline fabric, white EKA # 80 cotton thread,  50 cm pink fabric for slip, pink cotton # 60 thread (bobbin spool), 200/2 GILPOL thread for marking and hand sewing (extremely thin, 5 meters  x 10 mm Val lace, 1 m x pink silk braid, 1 meter bonnet wire, 5 Hooks, 2 ready-made "safety pins" with beads for the stomacher, embroidered sock knit fabric, vintage/old flowers(not the same as the photo, but similar),  50 cm each x 4 mm + 7 mm silk ribbon,  3 meters gold braid, tie ribbon, 1 x purse frame # 1 for "reticule"(not the motif),  silk mousseline for the bonnet, 3 meters gold braid, 2 m tie tape.

The shawl was made from a commercially available scarf and there are thousands of designs and colors available of those, so it is not included in the kit. Fringes can be found here.

Kit for Embroidered Dress

Machine embroidered panels, the stabilizer washed out, panels pressed, threads cut off. You have to stay-stitch the markings making sure the embroidery matches along the seam lines. Precise instructions are included in the kit.  The Pattern is included in the kit - you need it to mark the panels with stay-stitching.

These embroidered panels with repeated designs is quite time-consuming work and there is a delivery time of about 10 to 14 days.

Patterns, embroidered Swiss Mousseline panels, enough extra fabric for the bodice and bonnet, a reel of  white cotton thread # 80 (1000 m), 50 cm pink slip fabric, bobbin spool matching  EKA # 60 thread, bobbin spool Gilpol 200 (fine hand sewing, for the purse, stay stitching on the machine), 2 meters x 12 mm Malines lace, 70 cm x 30 mm Malines lace, 1 m  bonnet wire, 1 buckle, 4 hooks, 2 finished "safety pins with beads" for the stomacher, embroidered tricot for stockings, matching old flowers (might be different from photo),  2 meters x 4 mm silk ribbon, 2 m tie tape, purse frame # 1.

Delivery time for the embroidery kit is about 10 to 14 days!
